Jul 22Liked by Kristen McClure

Thank you for this. My dad was a severe hoarder (we didn't live with him as kids so were shielded from the worst of it thankfully) and it used to be characterized as a form of OCD. It makes so much more sense to me as something that could be caused or exacerbated by ADHD especially as I have ADHD and likely inherited it from both parents, as my mom also has ADHD. I know it can also be caused by trauma which he did experience as a child. I'm not a hoarder by any stretch - I have more of the opposite tendency to throw away everything - but I also struggle with task initiation when it comes to decluttering because I just want to deal with it later. I do tell myself now "it will feel so good to get rid of this and never have to put it away again" and that has proven to be the case 100% of the time. I've never regretted throwing anything out, but I DO regret letting things accumulate (in closets for example...).

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Aug 4Liked by Kristen McClure

"it will feel so good to get rid of this and never have to put it away again"

That is a great phrase to think or say when decluttering. I’m going to use that. Thank you!

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It does make sense doesn't it? I'm glad it was helpful to you

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